Environment Canada has identified a need for sound information on current youth opinion pertaining to climate change in order to direct policy and communications efforts. In light of this need, Ipsos-Reid was commissioned to conduct opinion research among young Canadians (from 16 to 25 years of age) to establish a baseline measurement of their awareness, receptivity and behaviour on issues related to climate change.
Almost no public opinion research has been conducted to date on the general topic of contaminated sites at a national level. The purpose of this research is to measure Canadian public opinion on the issue of contaminated sites to provide a baseline from which future studies can be conducted to measure changes in opinions in response to government communications initiatives.
This survey is about Mobile Technology and Home Broadband and Social Media Use in 2021
Statistics Canada is gathering information from families who use before and after school care as well as those who do not. The survey, which addresses before and after school care in Canada for children who are attending school (i.e. ages 4 to 12 years old), asks about the different types of before and after school care arrangements that families use, difficulties some families may face when looking for care, as well as reasons for not using before and after school care. The survey will also cover the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on before and after school care.